MorningStar Mountain

Clinic and Ministry Centre
Our Mission Statement
Our Mission is to represent the hands and heart of Jesus by living out the Biblical mandate to the church, to serve those around us, to honor His Word. To make an eternal difference in individual lives, in our families, our community, and a needy world. Ministering to one person at a time, spiritual and physical health will be vitalized and transformed, and thereby we live out our ultimate purpose of bringing honor and glory to our God.

Donations can be made to:
Mission of Sight, Inc.
Attn: Denise Thiel
1723 Marion-Mt. Gilead Rd.
Rd, Marion Ohio 43302
Check memo:
MorningStar / Jamaica
Donors receive a tax dedutible receipt at year end.

The ministry centre and clinic offers the opportunity for volunteer participation for the purpose of maintenance and construction, as well as children and youth ministry. Doctors, dentists, and other health professionals are needed to help provide staffing for the medical clinic.

This is a place that God has provided for the fulfillment of a vision and purpose for service. It was born out of surrender to His will; and the matching of gifts and desire to serve, with a place and people of need. It is designed to be a refuge; an oasis for nourishment, encouragemnt, and instruction; and to provide opportunity for personal growth and spiritual and physical healing.